


17 Products
Strathcona Distillery Strathcona Velvet Cream 750ml
Strathcona Velvet Cream 750ml
A wonderfully delicate cream liqueur infused with Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla bea...
C$47.25 C$45.00
Sheringham Lemon Gin Liqueur 750ml
Sheringham Lemon Gin Liqueur 750ml
Made with a gin base specifically crafted to pair with the juice of delectable, ...
C$50.93 C$48.50
Bridgeland Distillery Bridgeland Distillery Limoncello 500ml
Bridgeland Distillery Limoncello 500ml
Fresh aromas of spring apple blossoms with a touch of early summer honey. The ac...
C$45.15 C$43.00
Cadello 88 500ml
Cadello 88 500ml
Cadello is a spirit unlike any other, made from 8 key ingredients found in Italy...
C$55.65 C$53.00
Agavero Orange Liquor 750ml
Agavero Orange Liquor 750ml
A blend of 100% blue agave tequila, infused with the essence of oranges and pure...
C$41.95 C$39.95
Kaluha Kahlua Salted Caramel Delight 750ml
Kahlua Salted Caramel Delight 750ml
A salty twist to the original recipe Kahlua! Blending indulgent salted caramel w...
C$33.55 C$31.95
Kaluha Kahlua Coffee Flavoured Liqour 750ml
Kahlua Coffee Flavoured Liqour 750ml
Made with 100% Arabica coffee beans and rum, Kahlúa coffee liqueur is one of the...
C$33.55 C$31.95
Laura Secord Chocolate Liqour 750ml
Laura Secord Chocolate Liqour 750ml
C$34.65 C$33.00 C$34.65 C$33.00
Leroux Blue Curacao 750ml
Leroux Blue Curacao 750ml
Flavoured with dried bitter orange peels, lemons, curaçao fruit, sugar and wine ...
C$23.10 C$22.00
Disaronno 750ml
Disaronno 750ml
Deep brown colour; almond and maraschino cherry aroma; very sweet cherry flavour...
C$37.54 C$35.75
Chartreuse Green 375ml
Chartreuse Green 375ml
Only two Chartreuse monks know the identity of the 130 plants, how to blend them...
C$31.95 C$31.95
Cointreau Liqueur 750ml
Cointreau Liqueur 750ml
Cointreau is an orange-flavoured triple sec liqueur produced in Saint-Barthélemy...
C$39.95 C$39.95
Campari 750ml
Campari 750ml
Orange/red colour; herbal aroma with a touch of citrus; bitter-sweet flavour, sl...
C$32.95 C$32.95
St. Remy V.S.O.P. Brandy 750ml
St. Remy V.S.O.P. Brandy 750ml
This versatile brandy is carefully aged in small French oak barrels, revealing a...
C$29.95 C$29.95
Aperol Bitter Liquor
Aperol Bitter Liquor
An Italian apéritif with a distinct orange hue, made of bitter orange, gentian, ...
C$32.00 C$32.00
Showing 1 - 17 of 17
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